Editing Skin Tones

In the past, I have talked a bit about how skin tones
in my portrait images are so so so important to me….
I spend a great deal of time (probably too much time) trying to perfect the skin tones.
I want my subject’s to look like humans,
not clowns or corpses.

I have discovered that the skin tones in my images are the worst
when I edit a session in one sitting.
Therefore, I will always make preliminary edits in one sitting
and many hours or even days later,
revisit the edited images with fresh eyes.
Fresh eyes is the key to critiquing your own images!!!!
If “Fresh Eyes” was a product in the store or on Amazon.com
I would pay hundreds for it!

I highly suggest making a few edits of one image,
then returning to the image hours later with your renewed perspective.
I gaurentee you will be able to choose the edit
that best suits the session, subject’s, and your style.

The following photos are examples
of my preliminary edits versus the final edits.
The skin tones are much more vibrant
and alive in the second photos:



