the worst part of marriage.

You read that right,

I am here to tell you the worst part of marriage:
Because i’m married,
people now have the permission to think im pregnant 
if i have a fat day.
Especially with beach season coming up,
if this stomach pops out just over an inch,
i may get some wondering eyes….and minds.
So hold up your glasses with me—-
to sucking in for the next 6 months:)
when you marry someone,
you love them so much
that when the other person gets a vaccine,
your body secretly tells their body:
i love you,
so im going to take away all of your symptoms
and feel them for you!
Seriously that body agreement happened.
The night Malcolm got his vaccine,
I woke up in middle of the night with a fever, chills, nausea and a headache!!!!
He had some night sweats but other than that,
I was experiencing all of the vaccine symptoms,
not him!!!!
If that’s not love,
i dont know what is……