Last week, I spent two days in Sedona, Arizona with my mother…
It was everything I imagined it to be,
breathtaking, breathtaking, breathtaking.
Again, I was blessed with amazing weather,
high 70’s and sunny!!
Rainy or cold weather can completely ruin a vacation,
that’s why I was so thankful for the perfect temperature!

Sedona is a quick drive from Phoenix,
so I am quite ashamed I finally trekked my way north six months after I moved here!
I waited way too long to experience Arizona at its finest!
Now I will be dragging Malcolm to Sedona in the next month or two.
…I will also be dragging him to this vegetarian restaurant my mom and I discovered,
ChocolaTree Organic Eatery.
It’s soy-free, dairy-free, gluten-free, GMO-free!!
How does that even exist right!??!!?
Well it does.
and I had NEVER tasted food so ALIVE and FRESH in my entire life!!!!!!!!
It’s so hard to describe what I mean by ALIVE,
but that’s the only word that feels right,
yet completely wrong at the same time.

here is my favorite meal from ChocolaTree,
the Mediterranean wrap:

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This man was sitting HIGH on this rock, near an energy vortex,
playing an indian flute.
it was SO beautiful to sit in nature and have that background music…

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It’s so easy to feel small in this world….
so I found that standing on a mountain is empowering!!!!


The tree trunks at all the vortexs’ look like this:



“Private Ceremony in Progress”

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Bill, a commercial fisherman from Oregon,
whom I met while taking photos….
he was a great model : )

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Vienna Glenn Photography