*re-post from December 2011*
I eat about 80% Organic.
There are some things I can’t find in the stores down here in Indiana,
like organic maple syrup.
But now, I will go to any length, any price to commit to being 100% Organic
In a nut shell,
American’s have been eating genetically modified organisms (GMO)
within our food for the past decade.
(Oh, you didnt know? Thats because we werent told!!)
The study in the article reports that the pesticide inside GMO food
(you cant just wash these pesticides off)
has been found inside pregnant women,
in their fetus‘ and in non-pregnant women.
The company responsible for GMO’s swore this pesticide would only kill insects
and would be destroyed by the human digestive system.
But really,
the pesticide enters our bodies
and triggers our immune system
because its an invader.
If we eat all GMO foods, our immune systems are working
day and night to fight off these invaders.
Eventually when we are exposed to sicknesses or diseases
our immune system isnt as strong as it should be because it is completely worn down.
(There are many harmful effects linked to GMO’s,
here for a complete list)
About 70% of all food is Gentically Modified,
but there are no laws regarding GMO foods,
so they dont have to label whats really in our food!!!
The only safe food is labeled GMO-FREE or 100% Organic.
Whats worse is that all safety tests preformed on GMO’s is conducted
by the GMO company itself, Monsanto!!!!
Also, there were no safety tests preformed before GMO’s hit the grocery store shelves!
The only research that can be submitted to journals has to be approved by Monsanto.
So of course the general public (us) will only hear how “safe” GMO food is
and how it will “solve world hunger!”
And of course the FDA backs up Monsanto
because a few people that used to work for Monsanto now work for the FDA
and vice versa.
This pattern extends into the government:
Donald Rumsfeld used to serve on the Board of Directors at Monsanto
and Monsanto has been the leading contributor in some congressmen’s campaigns
such as Attorney General John Ashcroft.
In my opinion, we have no reason to trust these corporations.
Therefore I am taking my safety and health into my own hands
and i urge you to do the same.
In conclusion,
the big powerhouse corporations like Monsanto think they rule us,
but the truth is,
if we stop buying their food,
they cant profit!!
WE can change the nation!
WE can change the industry!
Please think twice
when you go to the supermarket and buy that generic, GMO food.
You have a choice.
The Power is in your hands…
and in your wallet.
Crops that are Genetically Modified in the US:
sugar cane
sweet peppers
cocoa beans
yellow squash
Processed foods made from Genetically Modified organisms:
soy sauce
canola oil
cottonseed oil
frozen pizza
frozen dinners
canned soup
ice cream
**these lists show only a fraction of foods that contain GMO’s**
My sources for this post were compiled from here, here, here, here, here, and here.
To read about chemicals in everyday products read this blog post.