My name is Lea and I am pigeon-toed.
Like way cooler than the braces and glasses club.
(Although, I talked in this post about God answering my prayers about glasses,
actually…he would eventually deliver with braces too)
I purposely walked pigeon-toed
and at some point
it stopped becoming a conscious action
and instead a permanent and legit trait!!!
My pigeon-toed strut and thick glasses are proof
that you can have anything you desire,
if you really put your mind to it.
Two weeks ago, I shared this photo on Instagram:
Since then, they have been on sale at the Co-op, so I stocked up
and went on a Almond Dream Bites Binge,
along with an Eat All The Sugar That Is In Your House Binge.
I knew I was eating way too much sugar, but as addictions are,
I couldn’t stop—until—–
I am now sitting here with a box of tissues in my hand.
My body had to finally express itself through sickness
to get me to stop with the madness,
so I’m actually thankful for this runny/stuffy nose,
because I have finally cut out junky sugar for the time being!
(I’m even drinking coffee without sweetener!!!)
My Saturday’s wedding was the first time I felt under-the-weather for a wedding,
and honestly, it was awesome
because I didn’t even have time to think depressing thoughts like,
“I feel gross,”
which undoubtedly make you feel more gross.
I just made sure to constantly eat and drink water,
whereas on most wedding days, my body is depleted by the end of the day
because I don’t make time to eat or drink.
Lesson learned: too much of one thing is NOT a good thing.