please share your wisdom:)

Through the years,
I have heard many women (and men!) regret their wedding photographer choice,
usually because they didn’t put thought or energy into the decision
or they made the decision solely on the low price tag.
We (usually) plan and experience one wedding in our life
and through it we gain a lot knowledge and wisdom!
I want to be able to share our advice with the women that will benefit from it the most:
the future brides!!

My hope is that if you regret your wedding photographer decision
or if you were completely happy with your decision,

please share your wisdom in the comment box below.
I would even love
if you would share general wedding and engagement advice!

You may post anonymously,
with the comments also hidden from public viewing for privacy.
So you will have double the protection:)
In about a week,
I will share all of the amazing advice on a blog post!

thank you thank you thank you.

thank you.

(anonymous commenting is closed. Thank you all who took a minute to share their thoughts!)
Vienna Glenn Photography