puppy goggles.

I think it’s safe to say we all have much joy, love, and tenderness
for babies and puppies.
It’s almost as if we have special baby and puppy goggles on
when we are surrounded by their presence,
yet as they age,
or we step within 100 feet of adults,
we begin to judge and criticize.
Imagine if we had to list all the judgements we had in one day
(or even an hour!)
to a friend, spouse, or parent.
Wouldn’t it be embarrassing and shameful?!?
I think first, we need to become aware of when it happens.
That one task can be hard work
because we have begun to believe teeny-tiny judgements
are just thoughts,
when in fact they are still judgements.
Would if we started to view
e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g and e.v.e.r.y.o.n.e
as either A. Love
B. a Call for Love
No wrongs, hate, dislike, or sins,
just Love or a Call for Love.
I know our world is capable of limitless compassion, love,
acts of kindness, and peace!
Ghandi said it best:
“YOU must be the change you wish to see in the world.”
today, let’s start with our thoughts and judgements,
about ourselves and others.
Now go get your puppy goggles on!!! :)
Vienna Glenn Photography