a self-vacation

As i snuggle into bed each night,
i open Eat, Pray, Love and get lost in her journey of self-discovery.
i am amazed and bewildered when the few chapters i read,
perfectly pertain to my life that very day.
I have no choice but to believe the Divine is to blame.
Malcolm is out of town this week, 
so i had to decide whether to go home for Thanksgiving,
or stay home alone in this (kind-of foreign) town.
Normally the choice would be easy-
go home to family and friends (and pets!)
But every time i would weigh the pros and cons,
even if the pros outweighed the cons,
i wanted to stay home alone and have a “self-vacation.”
I cant explain why,
it sounds like a foolish choice,
especially because its the holidays!
All i know is i want the “challenge” of having a week completely alone
because i have never done it before.
But last night, 
after i made my final decision to take a self-vacation,
i hopped into bed and opened my book to the following paragraph.
It could not explain my underlying feelings of my decision any clearer!!

“The search for God is a reversal of the normal, mundane worldly order.
In the search for God,
you revert from what attracts you and swim toward which is more difficult.
You abandon your comforting and familiar habits
with the hope (the mere hope!)
that something greater will be offered you in return for what you’ve given up.”
I wrote a long list of Things To Do 
in case i happen to break down with boredom or loneliness,
but today is day 3 and i have only crossed 1 thing off on my list of 13!
I think ill be fine…
maybe ill even want an extended vacation? 

Remember, today is the last day to enter the Thanksgiving Giveaway.
Click here if you want to win a free photography session or lesson!
These two are always so kind to my camera:)
so so so so cute!!!

Vienna Glenn Photography