the sorrows of another apartment

Along with the completely uneven floor in our apartment, 
in which I could sit on the desk chair, simply lift my feet off the floor,
and roll three feet to the wall,
I have bid farewell to the amazingness of a great shower for the entire summer.
We all know water pressure is the key to a great shower,
well, the water pressure in our apartment shower is about equal to a hole in a hose.
Forget about trying to wash your legs or feet,
the spritz doesn’t reach that far.
The only positive I keep repeating in my head so I don’t get blood-boiling-angry,
is that we will be saving millions of gallons of water.
We will try putting another shower head on it to see if the water pressure changes,
but judging by my attempt to unclog the sink drain,
we will need my brother’s help.
Last week, as I took apart the sink at my mom’s house,
it was a funny sight to see my head underneath the sink,
while Malc was in the kitchen, cooking and cleaning….
We know what our roles are in the relationship:P
I dream of the day I could have an entire room as my office….
for now, a corner of a room has to suffice.
Scratch that.
 I dream of the day we could have a house to ourselves
with no neighbors-
above us, below us, or within 500 feet of our windows!
It shouldn’t be legal to directly look into someone else’s house from your own haha!!
*Remember the “Peacing it Together Photography Workshop”
is this Saturday, the 5th.
The deadline to sign up is Thursday!!*
Vienna Glenn Photography