Summer 2013 went by in a FLASH.
My personal posts have become nonexistent on this blog,
so I have decided to recap my summer all in one post haha.
(Hopefully as my wedding season winds down,
I will start blogging more!)
I’m not sure when summer actually begins when you are no longer a student,
or a mother of a student,
but I will start my recap at the end of May,
when I returned to Michigan and Lake Superior for a few weddings:
(iPhone images)
Of course I spent most Saturday’s at weddings doing what I do: )
I had an injured knee at this wedding so I hobbled around, but I didn’t let it stop me!
Staying in true, rustic cabins in middle of the woods for a wedding
with my cousin and second shooter was amazing:
Back in Phoenix, Malcolm and I went to a Mumford and Sons concert:
Slide Rock Park in Sedona:
Sunsplash Water park!!!!
It was sooo much fun!!!!!!!
Back in Michigan, I had some pretty competitive tennis matches:
My brother and I had fun discovering this great organic restaurant in Duluth, MN, The Duluth Grill:
I was stuck in this small, jammed backseat for 24 hours, driving from Michigan to Cape Cod:
Food from an organic, gluten-free food truck on Cape Cod: !!!!
Bachelorette shenanigans which included a gay club in Providence, MA haha:
Biking with the man around the Cape (one of my favorite Cape memories):
Pre-wedding baseball game!
My family:
A day on Lake Superior with little Ridge….
I wet his white hair so that he looks like his half-bald daddy:
My family had fun showing Anna the American way all summer (hence the LARGE chocolate chip cookie)
She is from Spain and it has been her dream to come to America!
Her dream came true! She stayed with the crazy and wild Petersons for a few months:
My best friend, and extreme Yooper, Sara, cherry picking:
The family again:
One of my favorite things to do in Michigan,
hang out with my cousins…
whether its sauna/swimming, bonfires, or playing a CRAZY game of Lightening:
Introducing Anna to S’mores:
Farm Block outdoor concert:
We love discovering new restaurants, like Grabba Green:
I can’t believe it… I am STILL weight training 4 times a week!
One of my proudest accomplishments!
Our new Sunday tradition, coffee and breakfast at Pomegrante Cafe: