thethe blog.journal

the beautiful Halley

Today marks the first day of my 3 week adventure! First stop is Boston and Cape Cod, then next week, I will shoot my first wedding of the year in Phoenix!!! I’m not sure how much you will hear from me…. but i’ll leave you with something extra pretty today:) the beautiful Halley:

Ruby and her dad

Dad gives Ruby a kiss for the camera:  then she gets bashful..  and whispers to her Dad: “that’s awkward.” it was one of the sweetest moments:)


This was Emilly’s first time modelingand I love how you can literally watch her progressionthrough these photos!By the end she’s a pro!!!It takes everyone some time to acclamate in front of the camera,that’s why I believe engagement photos are so important before the wedding day!It’s a great practice run for the bride and groom! What’s funny is...

5th Street

Cafe Rosetta is about to issue a restraining order against me because I went there four times in the past week.It’s so unlike me, as we cook our own food 99% of the time,but last week was our anniversary and I had friends in town,so of course we scurried to the only restaurantthat serves organic and gluten-free...

engagement} lisa and ryan

While both attending Michigan Tech, Lisa and Ryan met at a biking race in the northern most part of Michigan, Copper Harbor. This September, they will return to the town where they first laid eyes upon each other, and this time, become husband and wife!! We were able to have beautiful, soft light at the beginning of their session,...

change is a process.

I never intended to live a vegan and gluten-free lifestyle, just like I never intended to be a photographer. Sometimes life really does just happen in ways we cannot explain. Ultimately, I believe in listening to the loud or subtle voice within us that speaks to us. The voice that we love to doubt, but...

one year anniversary.

One year ago,  we were married on a rainy, cold day in Chicago,  much like the weather today. It was beyond perfect that this Apache Blessing was read at our ceremony. Here are a few photos from our wedding day: I am so exited for peony season, i miss those flowers too much! Thankfully we...
