Category Archives: engagement

They Look Like LIFE

While sitting with a future bride and groom recently, they exclaimed: “Your photos tell a story…. and they look like Life, sometimes BETTER than Life!!!!” Then I gasped, grabbed my heart, and smiled, because that is EXACTLY what I strive for. I take pictures of LIFE, so I want my images to reflect what my eyes...

Timeless Love + James and Bjarni

James and Bjarni were visting Phoenix all the way from France a year ago, you read that right… a year ago haha. We met up to take some fun-just because photos and ohmygosh these two are fun!!! At the time I was preparing for my booth at the bridal show so I was super busy...

Boulder, CO + Justin and Chelsey: We Are So Happy!

Justin and Chelsey are “manifesting machines.”Since I have gotten to know them, a little less than a year ago,it seems as if the minute they voice their desires and wishes,*POOF!* the opportunity or situation is delivered to them on a gold platter. Such was the case with taking their photos in Boulder. About a month...
