a thrifty tuesday birthday.

After 5 years together,
i finally thrifted an item for my husband that,
1. he likes
2. he will wear
3. and is in an XL size
His birthday was last week,
so i included this thrifted Banana Republic zip up in his “gift basket.”

Then he started to goof around and do all the poses i do haahahhah ↓

Other items in his gift basket included
handmade soap and wild caught salmon.
chemical-free, oil-infused, hippy smelling handmade soap!!
We love all things natural and non-processed,
so whether its food, clothes, or soap,
 receiving those items as gifts is a guarantee they will never go to waste!
One of the reasons i love Malcolm, is that he is confident enough
to admit he enjoys receiving soap for his birthday:)
….now i’ll explain the wild caught salmon.
I absolutely do not support the business of killing animals for our stomachs
(or for any reason)
so i never buy Malcolm’s meat, ever.
His diet of eating meat/fish six times a day gets expensive,
so i decided to give him a break from buying it for one day out of the year….
the most special day of the year!
his Birthday!!!
Don’t you think the worst feeling is buying an awesome gift for someone
but then they dont appreciate it, wear it or use it!??!
I find gift giving so stressful for that reason!
So even though his gifts were extremely weird,
i know he appreciates them, 
he will use them (already did) and will wear it (already did)!
