First Place Wedding Image!

This week it honestly feels like I won the $400 million Powerball jackpot.
That is the best I can explain winning first place in the wedding category
for CreativeLive‘s PhotoWeek Critique and Competition!!

There were SO MANY beautiful images,
I am sitting here dumbfounded:
“MY image!?!? MINE out of ALLLL the others!??!!!”
Especially because industry pro’s critiqued a group of photos then chose their favorites…
pro’s who have been judging competitions for years!!!

All in all, I am so happy I took the risk being critiqued by the industry’s greatest
because it reminds me, those who risk nothing,
gain nothing.
Not only did I gain $1250 worth of gift certificates to photography related businesses,
I have gained clarification that
I am an artist, this is my life’s work.

Thank you CreativeLive!


Here are the finalists from the four categories: wedding, lighting, commercial, and portrait:


Vienna Glenn Photography