about my style of photography.
I want my photos to resemble film images
and film reflects “life as we see it.”
To achieve photos that look like real life,
the exposure has to be correct.
If its not correct,
i have no choice but to fix the image in Photoshop/Lightroom
by literally applying the original colors back into the photo!
I also have to correct the exposure afterwards by adding or subtracting light!
Now this makes absolutely no sense!
Take a photo only to fix it later on?!
Obviously it’s necessary to fix images when mistakes happen
and the exposure isnt right (and it happens a lot),
but in general I try to take my images as close to perfection as possible.
Then I use Photoshop/Lightroom to finish the photo,
to dot that last “i.”
After all, a camera is the instrument in which i create my art,
so why would i depend more on editing software than my camera?
If you dont understand my jibberish,
here are my words in the form of Before and After images.
The exposure is off in the first image.
Her skin definitely didn’t look like that in real life!
The camera did not perform well in this example
because I, the operator of the camera,
didnt perform well.
So afterwards i had to take time and add light and colors!
1/400, f 1.4, ISO 200
This next example was the best lighting you could ever imagine on a photo session!!!
It was cloudy behind me, but blue skies in front of me,
so i had beautiful blue skies without the sun!
Because I told camera the correct exposure for this lighting situation,
the camera performed its duty and
therefore, the colors are almost exactly like real life.
Afterwards i simply had to finish the photo!
1/5000, f 2.0, ISO 160
This post is simply a reflection of my opinions gained from my experiences,
with the hope that it may help someone out there.