lighting and posing.

The comparison of the following two photos, 
demonstrates the importance of understanding light and knowing how to pose your subject.
In this situation, 
the lighting remained constant 
(light streamed down from ceiling windows),
as did the ISO, aperture, and shutter speed.
The only difference between the two photos is the direction in which the model is facing.
In the first photo, 
she is facing a white wall, 
so the ceiling/window light is bouncing off the white wall and onto her face.
In the second photo,
the model is facing an open space,
so the loss of the reflective light is quite dramatic.
If you want to take the best photos you can,
i suggest practicing with different lighting situations 
and experiment with posing.
I think the photos speak for themselves.
This blog post is a reflection from my experiences.
My opinions may not be right way,
but its my way.
Vienna Glenn Photography