Category Archives: portrait

a blooper reel and the bachelorette.

The most recent Bachelorette and her man will last forever! I know it!!!!! For real though. They will. This past season was pretty great…. good enough to get Malc hooked:) I’m going to state the obvious: they edit the show a little too perfectly. They aired the blooper reel the other week and they were...

child portraits} jack and katia

Photographing children, seniors, engagements, families,  and weddings can get a little overwhelming, but I love them all for different reasons. This is why I currently shoot all types of sessions, I have just limited the number of sessions I book. So far this summer, my life has been very manageable which has allowed a perfect balance...

just for fun} lucy and shawnee

Free People clothing magazines are my one and only source of inspiration whenever I want a just-for-fun photo shoot…. and my urge to shoot photos for myself always hits me suddenly, so I am thankful both Lucy and Shawnee were available that certain day! Even though we have sun until 10pm, we ran out of...

Cape Cod} Cole and Kelly

Last month, my brother Cole and his girlfriend Kelly took me out to Cape Cod for a weekend….. like everywhere I visit, I fell in love. Because its a summer-beach town, it really felt like I was coming home for the summer, even though my home in Michigan is far from Massachusetts! It’s not even...

a Phoenix Botanical Garden photo session

Kim (a native Yooper) contacted me from Phoenix last year wanting an engagement type session with her husband of two years, because they weren’t able to have an engagement session when they were in that phase of their lives. So no time is better than the present!! We never know what tomorrow will bring!! My...

Halley (full post)

phewwwww it’s been an exhausting but exciting past three weeks of traveling!!! Now I’m ready to settle down back in the regular day-to-day tasks that are so comfortable and simple, compared to constant travel. I shot this session of Halley just for fun a few weeks ago and we are already planning our next adventure:)

Cape Cod

I had a fabulous shoot with my brother Cole and his girlfriend Kelly while on the Cape this past weekend. Of course the evening light on the beach was gorggggeous!!! Here’s a peek at what’s to come:
