Preparing for Baby + Tyler and Jasmine

Remember these two!? This spring we had an amazing session with flower crowns, puppies, and red rocks, and now they are preparing for a baby girl!! “Baby Jazler” haha: ) I am SO honored to be able to document all these milestones for them!! Tyler is verrrrrry maternal right now that he found a baby turtle in...

Year 1 of Marriage: Alaina and Keith

These friends of mine are pretty cool: ) Thank you Songbird Coffee for lending your beautiful little space to us! PHOENIX, AZ- we love you! If you’re a bird, I’m a bird -The Notebook Giving us solid tips from Toddlers and Tiaras: Hat on, Hat off hahah

10 Lessons of my 25-26th year

1.  The time to live is NOW. Not in a year or five years, or pre or post children. 2. Interacting with strangers in public or while traveling, etc is simple: gentleness + kindness = love There is no love if there is no kindness. 3. God/The Universe/The One always delivers exactly what we need in...

A Day with the Riutta Family

This is the session that I found what I did not know I was looking for: kids, babies, tummies, diapers, mom’s, dad’s, kisses, love, laughter, daily life, daily rituals, life, real life. I found something I believe in and now I want more. More more more!!! Email me @ if you are interested in a...

The Story Behind the Image

“If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things.” -Rene Descartes With my work, I am always questioning everything- Why am I shooting this? Is this image telling a story? Does this photo represent the couple? Is...

A Real Photograph

As a photographer, I am guilty of partaking in the trends of photography— right now it’s PERFECTION. In general, we try to attain or project perfection for our once a year photo shoot, then we go back to our normal lives. But what part of that photo session truly represented YOU or your REAL LIFE? I...
